To inspire you to wake up every morning on a positively, keep your mind calm. Blessing quotes will help you brighten your day, it made your day with full of satisfaction and peace and positivity. When you start your morning with encouraging words and blessings, it gives you spiritual and positive vibes . These collection of inspirational blessed morning quotes are great to send to your friends.
May sunshine fill your heart this morning. May your day be one filled with happiness and love
Always make your day a great one, because it is god’s gift for a new beginning, blessing, and hope
Welcome another morning, may you be blessed this day and be a blessing to others
A breath of prayer in the morning means a day of blessing sure. A breath of prayer in the evening means a night of rest secure Frances McKinnon
May the blessings of this day radiate through your smile. Be helpful through your hands and shine through your heart
When God decides to bless you, he will cause situations to come together in your favor. No matter what others try to do Christie Joyner
On the other hand, monday morning for others is a time to give thanks for the many blessings they have Byron Pulsifer
Cast not your mind to the world on earth. Open it to the universe of love and guidance J.Williamson
God bless you and give you health, happiness, and hope. The real comforters of this nether world Thomas Jefferson
God doesn’t bless us just to make us happy, he blesses us to make us a blessing Warren W. Wiersbe
Good Morning.. Live your life, forget your age. What matters most is how you see yourself
It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world
Sending you a day full of sunshine. A heaven filled with rainbows. A pocket full of dreams. May the future ahead of you be as wonderful as you are Judith Wibberley
Your day ends with my goodnight message, begins with my good morning message. Your life couldn’t get any better
Keep smiling; because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about
It’s important to be specific about what we are really wanting. At the same time it’s important to trust that God knows how to best bless us with what we want Lindsey K. Rietzsch
For each new morning, let there be flow of love, let there be light of happiness in every direction
Every morning brings new potential. But if you dwell on the misfortunes of the day before, you tend to overlook tremendous opportunities Harvey Mackay
Take the time to seek out wisdom. Focus on putting the joy back into your life Kisha Flemmings
Do and act on what you believe to be right. You’ll wake up the next morning feeling good about yourself Janet Reno
A morning is a wonderful blessing either cloudy or sunny. It stands for hope and giving us another start of what we call life
Every day I feel is a blessing from God. I consider it a new beginning. Yeah, everything is beautiful Prince
Don’t be too lazy to wake up in the morning, you’ll find everything that’s good about it has gone. Have a nice day
Always have faith in God, may he bestow upon you all his blessings and love
The road to success is very narrow, but it is only for the wise and the strong
If blessings can make you rich, then you are the richest person alive. You are loved and blessed by so many people
The darker the night. The brighter the stars. The deeper the grief. The closer is God Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Thank God every morning when you get up that you have something to do that day. Which must be done whether you like it or not James Russell
I never really look for anything what God throws my way comes. I wake up in the morning and whichever way god turns my feet I go Pearl Bailey
Every morning when I get up, I ask God what he wants me to do and ask him to lead me to the right people to help them Richard Simmons
God’s greatest blessing is God’s waking you up. That’s how marvelous He is that’s how He shows his love
What a benediction is this fragrance of the early morning. The vernal grass fills the whole atmosphere as with a shower of sweetness Sarah Smiley
This day is all I have , these hours are now my eternity, I greet this sunrise with cries of joy as a prisoner who is reprieved from death Og Mandino
Good things happen to those who wait. Better things happen to those who don’t give up. The best things happen to those who believe
If you succeed without suffering it is most likely, because someone else has suffered for you. Be grateful and humble
Don’t give up, there are too many nay-sawyers out there who will try to discourage you, don’t listen to them. The only one who can make you give up is yourself
Do not say It is morning and dismiss it with a name of yesterday, see it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name Rabindranath Tagore
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart Helen Keller
Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen. Best morning wishes to you
Give without remembering, always receive without forgetting. The greater the difficulty the more the glory in surmounting it Epicurus
Another day and loads of opportunities to fulfill your dreams, I wish you a very cheerful and energetic good morning
We think mistakenly that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in Arianna Huffington
Rise because, every day God always gives us something new. Thank God for another day and don’t waste it
Don’t blame God for not showering you with gifts, he gives you the gift of a new day with every single morning
Mostly the way we think of people is exactly who we are; So stop judging people. Have a nice day
When you wake up in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive to breathe, to think, to love and to enjoy
Today, I am sending all my blessings to guard you from all the troubles of the world
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